Significant new sustainable product law for those exporting to the EU.

The 18th July saw the EU bring into force the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) (EU) 2024/1781.
This law is designed to be the cornerstone of the European Commission’s approach to more environmentally sustainable and circular products

The King’s Speech 2024 – Environmental Highlights

The recent King’s speech setting out this Government’s aims and priorities for the next parliament  was crammed with forty legislative bills – the most since 2005, providing an insight to the change we are to expect over the coming years. Whilst Economic growth was the main headline, environment through energy, net zero and planning also […]

Unlimited penalties for business who pollute the environment

Back in September 2023 I wrote an article ‘It’s never been more prudent to be compliant’ about  a DEFRA consultation to review the financial penalties for environmental non-compliance. The fines for environmental offences relate to ‘Variable Monetary Penalties’ which were capped at £250,000, however the consultation considered a removal of that cap, and for the […]

Update to Fire Regulations for all businesses

Fire safety is crucial when it comes to demonstrating compliance as a small business. Ensuring that you have determined the risks posed by your activities, and that you have made arrangements to reduce or eliminate those risks are key steps to demonstrating how to ensure the safety of staff and guests alike. Regulations brought out […]

Landlords given reprieve from potentially costly energy upgrades

Government’s recent announcement in which many of its net zero plans were shelved or delayed, means that landlords will no longer be legally required to improve the energy efficiency of their rental properties. A consultation to amend The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015 would have required landlords to ensure their […]

Keeping up with the pace of change

Well they say a week is a long time in politics. Never was this more true that the last few weeks when it comes to the environmental and sustainability agenda for the UK. It seems every time I write an article about legislative changes on the horizon to help shape the government’s Environmental Improvement Plan […]

It’s never been more prudent to be compliant

Back in April and May 2023 the Department for Environment Food and Rural affairs (DEFRA) launched a consultation to review the financial penalties for environmental non-compliance. Currently under the Environmental Civil Sanctions (England) Order 2010, there are a range of measures which the regulator can use to penalise businesses who break environmental laws. These include […]